Welcome to the Crazy Life of the Watsons

Welcome to the Crazy Life of the Watsons
Welcome to the Crazy Life of the Watson's

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Spring Time

       Hi everyone!!  It's finally spring time.  Everything is in bloom.  It's beautiful.  Mom has started her garden and little sprouts are coming up.  I finally started all my flowers.  I have missed my flower garden for a long time. I'm going to tear up the whole front yard and plant Painted Daisies, Bachelor Buttons,  Sunflowers, Columbine, and much more. 
So Brayden's 8th birthday is coming up on the 22nd and we are so excited. His baptism is going to be on the 28th.  Call us at (304)-249-6235.
    Last Wednesday we went swimming.  It was great but a little chilly.  But we've been doing lots of fishing.  We've caught a lot but there are all small, so we let them go.
   Yesterday Brayden, Tyler and Dad went to a fun thing in our town.  They got to shoot bow and arrows, 22's and 12 gauges, then they threw tomahawks.  They're boys, it was fun for them.  Brayden won a BB gun too!!!! He will be in the newspaper soon.
    I had my first official horseback riding lessen.  Totally fun and I was sore the next day. I got to learn how to trot.  Up and down, up and down.  That was hard!!  
    We got our chicken coop set up, finally.  We hope to be getting eggs from a friend, to hatch!!
    Here's some pics.....                    Love,  Carly 

Brayden and his BB gun

The swimming hole

All of us swimming


The beautiful field

Look at that big ant 

The river 

Look at that cliff 

Brayden and Snickers 

Look at that scene 

I got this pic and I like the shade against the sun.

The boys

The boys and their fort 

Look at Edmund chilling