Also I owe a apology to everyone. I failed to mention on my last post that Mom and Dad had their 20th wedding anniversary on the 3rd of July. So happy very belated wedding anniversary.
Garrett and Dad got back from Scout Camp a week ago. They went to the new camp in West Virginia call the Summit. I was quite jealous. They had a lot of fun I heard.
Some of the fun things we've been doing are swimming in the river, playing in the yard with our dogs, working in the garden, playing at the playground with friends and being together as a happy family.
A over shot of the river
Two very cute boys.
We got a little silly(that's me),
Actually we were really silly,
We were even a little scared,
But we were really just crazy,
So we jumped right in,
We have a great home school group and we enjoy getting together with them.
Brayden and his friend Matthew.
Me and my friend Hannah.
So we butchered our first chicken. Mom was so proud.
In the middle of the process.
The finishing project.
I have grown these beautiful sunflowers.
Tyler enjoying the great outdoors
Here are more sunflowers that I'm growing.
Here is a chicken that we had. Unfortunately she was killed by the dogs.
But we still have this cute chick.
Everyone enjoy your summer and Have a great day.
Love, The Watson Family.
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