Hi!!!! Sorry I haven't been here in awhile. First Happy late Father's Day. I have been gone for a week and a half. Garrett and I went to Kirtland, Ohio 2 weeks ago with our church. It was a lot of fun. Then this past week mom and I have been gone at our church's Young Women's camp. THAT was a lot of fun. We stayed at a Boy Scout camp in northern Virginia. We learned how to play ukuleles, give first aide, and CPR. We hiked 3 days in a row. On Monday all the 15 year old girls went on a 5 mile hike to water falls. Then we went on a 10 mile hike Tuesday and on Wednesday we were in charge of taking all the other girls at camp on a 5 mile hike. Also our last day mom had to leave but I got to stay. We did a COPE's course. There was zip lines, and ropes courses. It was so much fun. My favorite was the pampered pole. I had to climb up a pole and stand on top of it. Then I had to do a superman leap and catch a bar(trapeze). I did catch it. And of course I was on ropes so if I were to fall then the people would catch me. Here is a picture of some friends and I on our 5 mile hike on Monday.

Elizabeth, me, and Emily(we are wet because it rained on us)
Last week while mom and I were gone, Garrett stayed home and held down the fort. Brayden and Tyler went to see the Grandparents in Richmond and Dad went to work. While the boys were there they went to the zoo and the playground with Maw Maw and Pop Pop Semple. Also they went to a big, fun indoor playground and putt putting with Grandmom and Granddad Watson. Then they had a b-day party for Granddad Watson. Here on some pictures of them at the playground................
So also I have some pictures of Brayden, Tyler and Dad when they were at the Home School Conference. They went to a playground, a zoo and a old railroad station.
Brayden at the playground

A cute baby baboon.
Brayden and Tyler with elephants and tigers, oh my!!
This past Sunday we finally celebrated Garrett's b-day. I have been baking a lot lately, so I made a yellow cake with chocolate frosting(Garrett's Favorite). Also a couple of weeks ago I made these amazing chocolate crinkle cookies. For Brayden's b-day I made the best chocolate cake. Here is the link for the chocolate cake recipe.The Best Chocolate Cake So here are the finishing results.
Happy 18th
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