Welcome to the Crazy Life of the Watsons

Welcome to the Crazy Life of the Watsons
Welcome to the Crazy Life of the Watson's

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Hi Again

    Well it has been quite the busy month.  We have been all over.  Okay to start with I want to tell you that Garrett has started a blog of his own.  It's really quite interesting.  So it is Garrett's Blog.  Enjoy it.
    So the first week of August we had cub scout camp.  Brayden is a Bear and loving scouts the most.  Mom and Dad ran the whole show.  Then they volunteered me to be in charge of the little kids that aren't in cub scouts.  So Tyler and his friends hung with me the whole week.  The theme was Native American Indians.  The kids made all kinds of cool crafts, played games, went fishing, and shot BB guns and Bow and Arrows.  Quite the week.


This is a cool sand box that Dad made out of a old tractor tire.

   The next week Mom, the boys and I went out of town to visit our friends the Royster's.  So first we went and saw Maw Maw and Pop Pop Semple.

Us with Maw Maw

Us with Pop Pop

I thought that this picture was kind of funny
We stopped at a rest stop and the water fountain was really big.

So on Wednesday we met the Royster's at a river house near the Chesapeake Bay in Virginia.  By the way a river house is just like a beach house except it's on the river.  This river was fed with the ocean so it was salt water and we had our private beach in the back yard!!!!
Here are a couple of pictures of the beach.  I was always holding the camera.  The sunsets were beautiful.

We went swimming, kayaking, fishing, touring, and just had fun.  Also on Friday Garrett and the Dads joined us.  The little kids caught some crabs so on Saturday we had crabs for dinner!!   I will just put a bunch of pictures of the week for you.

Also this past Saturday Dad, Brayden, Garrett and I went to a BYU football game. It was amazing.
Then more exciting news our Watson Grandparents will be going on a mission for our church in January in Africa.
Have a great week, Carly :)


Dad and Tyler on a two person bike

Go Figure, this is how homeschoolers spend vacation

Elizabeth and I got the worst sunburn. Not fun.

Two hot mommas.

Genevieve, Brayden and Grace 

Grace and Tyler

Brayden and Genevieve 

Emily, me and Elizabeth

We swam with the jellifish.


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